I grabbed my son's hand and placed it over my heart, and I said, "You live here."

Bedtime is my favorite time. And not because it's the end of the day, but because it's then I have my most special moments with my kids. Whether it's rocking the baby to sleep until I see his eyes fall closed, and kiss his little nose while he drifts off to dreamland --  or having these wonderful philosophical-type conversations with my seven-year-old after story time.

Last night he asked, "Mommy how much do you love me?" My usual response is, "to the moon and back a thousand times." But last night, I took his little hand in mine and held it over my heart.

I said, "Do you feel my heartbeat?"

He said yes, and I said, "You live here. You're a part of me, I'm a part of you, and you're always with me."

It's so easy to lose sight of the importance of these moments as we rush through every part of our day. We rush getting ready for school and work in the morning, we rush through our commutes, and every day can sometimes feel like a race to bedtime.

Take a pause at bedtime. Enjoy the quiet moments.

I know it won't be long before his hand is bigger than mine.

But he'll always live in my heartbeat.


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