The Average Parent Lasts 13 Days Into Summer Before…
THEY GO NUTS! Are you this parent? Should we start placing bets to see how long you will last?
As a parent myself, I actually enjoy my time with my daughter. I love doing things with her and almost 8 years into this, I have found economical ways to do things. Of course we splurge here and there but it is all about moderation.
A new survey came out stated that the average parent starts to go nuts by the 13th day of Summer. Is this you? The reason being is parents feel the pressure to entertain their child. 58% of parents feel like they have to figure out activities for the entire summer. I can certainly see this happening with myself. I like to come up with different activities but I am also about spending quality time with Amber. I usually take her on a scavenger hunt at Tift trails and she needs to find and collect certain things. She is seven so she enjoys things like this.
I have the Family Link app on her phone so it limits her screen time. Once that is at its limit she knows she is done for the day. Depending on the day, I can adjust accordingly. Don't forget, your child usually has summer reading to complete. This is extremely important! My daughter will be starting on hers next week.
64% have felt like they've let their kid down because they didn't come up with enough good stuff. Remember, it isn't a competition. Do your best and create experiences and memories and being there in the moment is important too. Put your phones down and set an example for them.
The top 5 things to do with them?
1. Amusement Parks. (Grab a season pass for the best value)
2. The Zoo! (Grab a season pass) It is a fantastic way to spend an hour or two watching animals and interacting with them.
3. Movies. They have Summer movies at Regal for $1.00 and don't forget bargain Tuesday's too! The Summer movie list is sure to please!
4. Bowling. I am not much of a fan of this, but it can certainly be fun as long as they have the bumpers. LOL.
5. Camping. I am not much of a camper. I hate bugs, but I don't mind cabins as long as there is a nice bed, and a bathroom with running water. I love hiking though and I have been known to hike the Niagara Gorge and Letchworth.
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