What is the manliest quote ever? We have all heard quotes in movies, dramatic, tongue-in-cheek, funny. But I am talking quotes by real individuals. Here are a few that come to mind.

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    Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!

    Admiral David Farragut, Union Navy Officer aboard the USS Tecumseh during the Civil War.

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    We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills: we shall never surrender.

    Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister to Parliament in 1940 as the Nazis reached the French shores closest to Britain, and an invasion appeared imminent.

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    This is a good day to die!

    Attributed to Crazy Horse, Lakota War Leader at the Battle of Little Big Horn.

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    I am just going outside. I may be some time.

    Captain Lawrence Oates on a 1912 British expedition to the South Pole. Bad weather, scurvy and frostbite killed one man and severely slowing down an injured Oates. Oates repeatedly asked his companions to leave him behind in order to save themselves. They refused. Finally, Oates delivered these famous last words before he stepped outside the tent into -40F weather.

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    I have not yet begun to fight!

    John Paul Jones, Captain John Paul Jones, a naval officer in the Revolutionary War His ship, the outgunned was hit by both enemy and friendly fire. At a low point, he was asked by the opposing Captain, if he was ready to surrender. Jones replied “I have not yet begun to fight!”

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