The Most Expensive NFL Team To Be Part Of…The Buffalo Bills
According to a new survey, being a fan of The Buffalo Bills is the most expensive team to be part of out of ALL the NFL teams.
The site, Hometogo.com recently did a study to find out how much specifically it would cost to be a fan of each team and Buffalo is #1.
"That includes tickets, beer, hot hogs, transportation to the away cities, and accommodations in those places. So they look at each team's prices, AND the prices where their schedule will take them this season. "
The Buffalo Bills haven't won 10 games in a row since the Clinton administration, but it doesn't stop us Buffalonians from partying. We are known for our tailgating and partying antics.
So, how much would it be to attend all 16 games for The Buffalo Bills?
$7,991.15 to be exact!
Here is the full list:
1. Buffalo Bills, $7,991.15
2. Houston Texans, $7,620.84
3. Oakland Raiders, $7,292.13
4. Detroit Lions, $7,082.55
5. Seattle Seahawks, $7,059.66
And the five LEAST expensive teams to root for are:
1. Washington Redskins, $4,469.26
2. Atlanta Falcons, $4,617.19
3. New York Giants, $4,744.39
4. Pittsburgh Steelers, $4,746.13
5. Cincinnati Bengals, $4,919.47
There you have it!
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