In high school and college, I had to take a few courses that, among other things, looked at how different forms of government worked [you probably had to as well]. If your classes were like mine, you may have gotten insights about how different countries adapted those forms of government to fit their specific needs. You probably had your own opinions on how they compared to the American form of government. I don't know, but this just seems wrong!

["UnitedRussia", via YouTube]

(The message on the Russian title card is "Let's do it together". Well, okay, but there wouldn't seem to be any privacy if the ballot boxes operate that way.)

"United Russia" is the party of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin [pictured above],  who in various positions has survived Russian politics longer than a few of the country's former Communist Prime Ministers. And let it be noted, the commercial seemed to help the turn out in yesterday's voting. Based on almost-complete returns, it's believed that 146% of the Russian voters turned out to cast ballots! (Isn't it a shame that no American election has had that high a turn out?)

Russian democracy. It's just not the same as ours. And that's probably a good thing...


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