People’s Biggest Fear REVEALED
To have fears are normal. It is part of life. But, the majority of people have one BIG fear in common and it isn't spiders...
Some people have many fears. It is healthy and part of life. Some people fear the loss of their spouse, their job, their kids, etc... If you focus on it long enough it can be debilitating. But there is a new study on the majority of people's biggest fear.
Getting your wallet stolen? NOPE! Definitely a fear but not the biggest one. 23% of the population.
Getting your car stolen? NOPE! They have GPS to track it and again not the biggest fear either. 10% of the population.
Getting your phone stolen? Not in this study, but I can see how it can put you in a tizzy. You definitely don't want your contacts and pics in the wrong hands. 6% of the population
The majority of people's biggest fear?
Social security number getting stolen, getting your bank account info stolen, and medical documents getting stolen. This is the fear of 55% of the population.
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