Over 20 Percent of Millennials in Buffalo Live With Their Moms
Maybe thank your mom a little extra this Mother's Day, especially if you're among the one in five millennials in Buffalo who are living with her.
A recent survey conducted by Zillow showed that 22.2 percent of millennials in Buffalo were living with their moms in 2016, up from 16.2 percent in 2005.
Buffalo is on par with the national average of 22.5 percent of millennials living in the family home.
According to Zillow's study, Buffalonians spend 25.9 percent of their income on rent or mortgage costs, with an average monthly rent cost of $1,216.
Zillow attributes the rise in millennials living with mom due to "the combination of rapidly rising rents and slow income growth over the past half-decade [driving] many young adults to either move back in or never move out of their parents' home, but the trend has been persistent even as the U.S. labor market has improved."