Only In Buffalo, We Made An Igloo!
Yesterday, I saw our crazy neighbor college kids starting off an Igloo. Yep. They asked me if I had any of those large Kitty Litter containers. Well, we did. With Two cats, I had three!!!! Only, in wonderful, crazy, Buffalo would folks think of making an Igloo. I helped out a tad, then came into Mix96. My kids jumped in and helped too, not that they have that kind of energy for housework!!!! Here are some pics as we progressed.
This is why I love Buffalo. People here are just a bit off, and completely game for anything!
I ended up bringing some Glogg over for a nighttime toast. Yes, they are all legal drinkers. My recipe for Swedish Glogg is on another post if you get a craving. You do NOT need to make an Igloo to drink it. Skol!
Here is an official guide to Igloo building by "Popular Science.." Just in case you find ours too sloppy :)