Look at What Notre Dame Academy Is Doing For Red Ribbon Week!
Starting this week elementary schools across WNY will be participating in Red Ribbon Week.
What is Red Ribbon week? Well, it is a pledge for the kiddos to live a drug free lifestyle. Students will participate in various activities to spread awareness. Check out what Notre Dame is doing:
Buffalo, New York - South Buffalo Catholic School Notre Dame Academy is celebrating Red Ribbon Week October 22 - 26, 2018 at 1125 Abbott Road, Buffalo, NY. This is a week where students, staff and administration, take a stand against drugs, and make a commitment to lead a drug-free lifestyle.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, “Every day, more than 115 people in the United States die after overdosing on opioids.” Now more than ever, we need to have our children envision a bright future and avoid using drugs.
This year’s Red Ribbon Week Them is: “Life is a Journey Travel Drug Free.” Each class will be tasked to make a poster which will hang in the front hallway for all to see, which demonstrated this theme. After some reflection, students will be asked to finish this sentence, “Today I pledge to stay drug free so when I grow up I can be a ____” Hand prints and red ribbons will cover the windows and walls of the school, as a symbol of their pledge.
This week will also feature a coin drive, with the proceeds going to the Kids Escaping Drugs program, a visit from Glenn Colton a children’s entertainer who performs upbeat positive messages will play for the PreK-4th grade students and for the 5th- 8th grade students, a representative from the Erie County District Attorney’s Office will offer a special presentation regarding safety on Social Media.
And to keep the week fun and fascinating, each day will have its own mini theme that the students are encouraged to participate in: Monday -Peace Out to Drugs- Wear peace signs and/or tie dye or bright colors, Tuesday - Team Up Against Drugs - Wear your favorite sport shirt or jersey, Wednesday - Rally in Red Against Drugs and Bullying- Wear Red, Thursday - It’s Crazy to Do Drugs- Students can dress crazy in mismatched clothes and Friday - Turn Your Back on Drugs and Bullying- Wear shirts and hats backward.
Here is what Mrs. D'Angelo the Principal had to say: