
We're six days into the New Year and I bet you have been SWEATING it out at the gym. I am so in love with my Zumba class and Yoga is on the list next....When we are so gung Ho and ready to Go, injury may happen. Read this list of some things NOT to do.

Mistake No. 1: Off-Kilter Strength Training

Don't become an asymmetrical body builder by just working on your arms! Pay attention to your core and your legs with an all-around strength-training workout, and you will see encouraging results.

Mistake No. 2: Improper Gear

ane  If you're a lady, choose a sports bra that kills the bounce, like one from Lane Bryant or Champion.

Mistake No. 3: Not Showering

 Most of us shower after the gym, but the question is--how soon do you do it, and are you using the right products to fight stuff like bacne? Shower well after the gym and include exfoliating products as well as toner and moisturizer. Moisturize when wet to lock in that extra water!

Mistake No. 4: Not Varying Routine

A varied routine means no boredom, and that will help you stick to your goals. Even breaking up the cardio exercise and moving from the treadmill to the elliptical can keep you revved.

Mistake No. 5: Not Warming Up!

Not warming up is a big no-no in the gym world. If you want to avoid injury, then you should get your heart rate up before you start wind-sprinting.

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