Avengers: Endgame – End or New Beginning
On Sunday they in advance of the opening they held an Avengers: Endgame Press Conference in LA. While there were no definitive spoilers there were some surprises including:
- This will be a conclusion to the Marvel Saga, and why it is called Endgame
- They boast this is something never done before in a superhero film
- Chris Evans says it is a "completion" to the Captain America story
Mark Ruffalo was quoted at the press conference saying...
"I don't know if you can tell, but it's a little bit different than the last time. It has a little sadness to it. I mean, we're all talking like we're dead," he said. "There's something very bittersweet about this moment."
Avengers:Endgame opens April 25th. You can watch the press conference in full here.