Whether you're considering listing your home for sale this year or just want your home to look nice for guests, now is the time to boost your curb appeal and tidy up your front yard.

That could mean new mulch, new designs, updated pavers, or planting shrubs or trees — but take it from me, a committed and self-taught DIYer, you should call my friends over at Tripi's Landscaping to take care of it for you.

With more than 15 years of landscaping experience, they know the important details, like how to avoid planting too close to your home's foundation and which plants are low maintenance for our area. Their work speaks for itself:

Tripi's Landscaping
Tripi's Landscaping

Just looking at those results, I know if my wife, Elizabeth, started talking about updating our landscaping, I'd add up the time and the money it would take me to do it — and call Tripi's. Instead of sweating, swearing, and yelling over the next several weekends, I would be enjoying our new yard with a cold one in my hand.

The sooner you get started, the sooner you can come home to an updated, low-maintenance front yard. To learn more and request an estimate, visit tripislandscaping.com.

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