Those Buffalo Cheerios We Smell Might Contain Glyphosate
Part of the fun of living in Buffalo are the days when General Mills bakes Cheerios. You can smell them in the air.
Well, Those Cheerios Were Smelling Might Contain GlyphosateThose Cheerios Were Smelling Might Contain Glyphosate
But, reports WIVB,
An environmental advocacy group claims some popular cereals contain Roundup. Cheerios and Nature Valley products are among the foods in the report cited as containing trace amounts of glyphosate. Some experts believe the controversial herbicide causes cancer.
"General Mills, which makes Cheerios, admits that pesticide residue can make its way into its products."
The company officials add however that the levels are lower than what the FDA allows.
Lastly, WIVB states, "Researchers and agencies around the world are unsure whether glyphosate causes cancer."
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