As American Idol fever builds in the run-up to January 19Th's season 10 premiere, the shows longest-running judge, Randy Jackson , is doing his best to hype up the crowd. In an interview with radar magazine, Randy says when it comes to the new judges, Jennifer Lopez and Steven Tyler, the audience are 'gonna love 'em'. Honestly, why would we stop loving them if you think about it. Jennifer and Steven bring the true flavor of "Celebrity" to the show. Can the show survive with out Simon?.... I say yes. Will it be the same? Absolutely not !!!   But Jackson insists that the show is only going to get bigger and better and that there are plenty of reasons to keep tuning in.

PHOTOS: All The American Idol Winners

"Heat, that's what they're going to bring," he says of the two singing sensations. "Watch, you're going to love them. Steven is mad cool. I love him."

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