Winter Weather

Western New York Is Going Under A Winter Storm Watch
Western New York Is Going Under A Winter Storm Watch
Western New York Is Going Under A Winter Storm Watch
If you were to look outside at any point over the last month, it would be hard to believe that we're deep into autumn and on a steady march towards winter. Unseasonably mild temperatures have been hitting all over the northeast, causing a weird situation where several regions have been dealing with drought-like conditions...
Where Are The Plows For My Neighborhood In Western New York?
Where Are The Plows For My Neighborhood In Western New York?
Where Are The Plows For My Neighborhood In Western New York?
Thanks to Winter Storm Gerri, every area of Western New York has been visited by that one thing we're famously known for, we knew days in advance was coming, but yet it always seems like we're not prepared for. Lake Effect Snow. The snowstorm has hit Western New York hard, and with many areas of the region still under a travel ban, we're now thinking about clean-up and recovery...

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