Everyone Breaks These 5 Rules In Western New York
For the most part, people in Western New York are good people. We help each other, and we donate to worthy causes, but each and every one of us is a rule breaker at some point in our lives.
Granted these are not "major rules that get broken or bent, but no one in the 716 can say they haven't, at least once, broken one of these rules.
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Here are 5 "rules" that almost every Western New Yorker has broken at some point in their life.

1. Double Dip Your Wings - We all know that you are not supposed to double dip your food. But sometimes you just don't get enough blue cheese on your wing so you go back for a second dip.
2. Pay With Foreign Currency - Technically when you go to another county you are supposed to exchange your money, but almost every Western New Yorker has paid for an item in the 716 with Canadian money. Who hasn't used a Canadian quarter in a pop machine here in the states?
3. Merge On To The 90/190/290 Without Using A Blinker - New York State law states you are to use a blinker every time you change lanes. If you have been on the roads in Western New York for more than 5 minutes you know that doesn't happen!
4. Go Thru A Redlight Early In The Morning Or Late At Night - How many times have you been stuck at a red light at 4 am and you are just sitting there waiting and waiting for it to change and no one else is around? You double-check for police, look around for other cars, and then go through that red light.
5. Sample The Fruit Or Items From The Bulk Section While Grocery Shopping - Eating something you didn't pay for is called....stealing, but admit it, you have snacked while shopping.
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