FREE Eyewear For The Eclipse
*UPDATE: Conditions required to get a pair of glasses have been updated as well as viewing places.
Not since February 1979 has there been a total solar eclipse in the United States. That will change on Monday, August 21. The eclipse will begin at 1:11 p.m., and the maximum amount of sun coverage will occur at 2:33 p.m. It will end at 3:51 WNY will be able to view one for at least 7-8 minutes.
The Buffalo Astronomical Association listed the following places where you can go to see it:
- Buffalo Museum of Science, 1020 Humboldt Parkway
- Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium at Buckham Hall, Buffalo State College
- Buffalo & Erie County Public Library’s Central Branch, 1 Lafayette Square
- Wilkeson Pointe at the Outer Harbor, 225 Fuhrmann Boulevard
Here are some other places you can go, outside of Buffalo:
- Blasdell – Penn Dixie Fossil Park & Nature Preserve, 4050 North Street (Free eclipse glasses while supplies last)
- Fredonia – Science Center at SUNY Fredonia, 280 Central Ave – 12-4 p.m.
- Niagara Falls City Schools District Central Office, 630 66th Street
- Wilson – Calvin Krueger Park, 350 Ontario Street
As WIVB reported:
Eclipsorama is a program set aside for Saturday August 19th. Eclipsorama will be spread throughout libraries across all of Erie County because of a large grant they received through the public library system. One of the most
important things they can provide are free eclipse viewing eyewear.
So protect your peepers and make sure you get your FREE specs before the FREE show that will be the Solar Eclipse.
For more information on the Eclipse events and programs check out Buffalo’s Guide to the 2017 Great American Eclipse