If you plan on going all out this year for Halloween, here are some clever Adult Halloween Costumes for 2018!

1. Jellyfish! - Instagram user KiwiCo shows off her costume!


2. Social butterfly! - We all know someone who is all over Social media!




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a social butterfly. A post shared by Mary Stibral (@mary.stibral) on

3. No Scrubs! If you are a fan of TLC, this is the perfect costume for you!


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Hanging out the passenger side of his best friend’s ride, tryin’ to holler at me. #punnycostume

A post shared by Kiri Wysynski (@kiri_w_) on

4. Wonder Bread Woman - A play on words of my two favorite things growing up! Wonder Woman and Wonder Bread!




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Wonder Bread Woman...Fighting crime and hunger since 1921! #diy #punnycostume #halloween A post shared by Heather Sharpmack (@heathersharpmack) on


5. Crazy Cat Lady - We all know a lady that just lovers her cats!



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