Car Hits Two Boats In Niagara Falls…Spider Is To Blame
WIVB-TV reports that Niagara Falls Police blame a spider for an early morning crash Tuesday in the Lasalle area of the Falls but the weirdness doesn't end there.
Police say the spider was in a car that hit two boats docked at the LaSalle Yacht Club.
19-year old Neysia McCarthy was driving through a parking lot at the Lasalle Marina when the spider unexpectedly dropped in for a visit.
Mccarthy says she panicked and could not stop the car. The crash caused extensive damage to the two boats.
One of the boats was listed as relatively new with just thirty hours on the water.
Mccarthy and a 21-year-old passenger were not hurt, but McCarthy was ticketed for reckless driving and failing to reduce speed. No information was available on what happened to the spider.
The Niagara Reporter had a surveillance video feed on Twitter...
It might interest you to know that in 2005 researchers at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) conducted a naturalistic driving study. The purpose of the study was to recruit volunteers, put cameras and sensors into their cars (in this study it was 100 vehicles), and then watch what people did while they drove.
It turns out that an insect in your car is considerably more dangerous than you would think; a bug in your car increases your risk of a crash by more than six times compared to an attentive driver (without any insects in the car).
That’s a greater risk than dialing a phone, putting on makeup or reading a book.