Summer is here--well technically not, but you know what I mean.  Kids are getting out of school, summer camps are in a few weeks, baseball/softball games are already happening, and if you are like me, endless taxiing the kids here and there has already begun.  So, how about slowing down the spin of your life to a walking pace and journeying to another type of maze--one of Buffalo's Labyrinths.  Seriously, these things are pretty cool.  You walk slowly within these, focus on breathing, and voila, you become unraveled.

Did you know New York State has a lot of these?  So, pull over park your car, in the middle of all your summer kids stuff, and find your bliss!

I happened upon this one off Elmwood Avenue, near Ferry.


Perhaps you've seen this one, located at the Unity Peace Park on Delaware Avenue:


There are quite a few in Western New York, some of which may even be walking distance from you. Check out this Labyrinth Locator and plan out your own peaceful outing to one of these unique spots!

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