Buffalo Minute: Friday 4-7-17 [AUDIO]
- The Buffalo Bisons will now celebrate opening day at Coca-Cola Field on Tomorrow afternoon! Tickets are still available.
- Buffalo is near the top of the list in the number of dog attacks on postal workers. 24 mail carriers were chased or bitten by a dog last year, ranking 25th among big cities.
- The next Sabres game is tomorrow night against the Florida Panthers. The game starts at 7 p.m. and will be away.
- Grab your tickets for the 2017 Bucket List Bash to benefit Unyts. The event is this tomorrow at the Statler City. Features food, drinks, and Live music.
- Tomorrow is Kidabaloo! Tickets are on sale now for the largest kid event in WNY! Visit with the Easter bunny, play games, watch live shows, play in bounces houses and much more. Tickets at online and at the door.