Yummy New Foods For This Years’ Taste Of Buffalo
What's happening mid-July, located along Delaware Ave, from Johnson Park to Niagara Square and totally yummy?
At the event, food and beverage tickets will be sold in five-dollar sheets. Menu items will cost between one and five tickets.
Says Matt Testa, 2019 Taste of Buffalo chair.
With our new $1 tickets, Taste of Buffalo visitors will benefit from the ease of an even exchange on all food and drink... For budget-conscious families and individuals, this change makes it easy to track how much everything costs, including menu items from our restaurants, food trucks, wineries, beer tents, and non-alcoholic beverage stands.
On June 9th you can purchase food ticket vouchers at participating Tops stores. The vouchers go from $10 to $50 increments, redeemable at the Taste of Buffalo ticket tents.
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