You Never Expect Someone You Know To Get COVID-19
When talking about the COVID-19 crisis it isn't unusual to feel slightly "removed" from it until you hear someone you know has it.
One day when scrolling through Facebook I saw a video of Shannon Panaro lying in a hospital bed. She filmed it at 3:00 in the morning as she was reflecting on something she originally thought was a cold never thinking she could end up fighting for her life.
It was right after Saint Patrick’s Day that Shannon started feeling a tightness in her chest but, for the most part, which signaled to the North Tonawanda resident that something was off.
She started getting chills and her husband urged her to call her doctor.
Things quickly got worse in a matter of weeks. Panaro ended up in the emergency room of Kenmore Mercy where she tested positive for COVID-19. To make matters worse she was diagnosed with pneumonia and a blood clot which doctors believe she got from extended periods of laying down to rest.
Shannon was scared, and at times it was hard to stay positive but she fought through it while in the hospital, and started making YouTube videos to document that battle.
That was when I sent her a note to wish her a speedy recovery and to hopefully cheer her...and Shannon, as her resilient self told me she was ok.
She was given the clear to go home this past weekend.
Panaro also says she’s thankful for so many that rallied around her during this time, including Bills Mafia. Her brother got thousands of Bills fans to send well wishes while she recovered.
WIVB-TV gave us a rare opportunity to see the "face" of the virus in our community...