Would You Be For A 4 day School Week?
It looks like some school kids could be headed to school only 4 days a week instead of the traditional 5 days school week!
A school district in Colorado is thinking about moving to a 4 day school week to save nearly $1 million in expenses.
As a parent, I would have several issues with schools moving to a 4 day school week.
First off, most parents work 5 days a week, which means paying more for child care or finding a job that allows you to work 4 days.
2nd, you are not preparing kids for the real world! Most jobs involve working 5,6 or even 7 days a week. If kids are used to 3 day weekends, it will be a big adjustment when they enter the real world.
3rd, The whole "Case of the Mondays" joke would be over! If kids are not at school, how could they have a "Case of the Mondays"!
What do you think? Would a 4 day school week fly in Buffalo?