Today marks the fourth annual celebration of World Autism Day. A day to draw attention to autism and the special people who are impacted by autism.

Autism is something every mom worries about as her infant grows into a toddler. I remember talking with our pediatrician when my kids were turning 2 years old. Fortunately, neither of my children showed any signs or symptoms of autism. If you're concerned though about your children, or would like more information - there's a few places to turn. Your child's doctor should be your first stop. You can also check out the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website. Locally, Autistic Services may be able to help you.

The theme of this year's event is "Light It Up Blue." Many major landmarks across the globe were lit up in blue overnight, and will be as well today and tonight. Meanwhile, a New York middle school student is getting a lot of attention for composing a new song for World Autism Day. Eleven-year-old Owen Saunders wrote the music for "Light it Up Blue," while his mom wrote the lyrics. Ten of his classmates helped with the vocals. They'll be performing the song today in Manhattan on the deck of the USS Intrepid. (Courtesy of Metro Source)

Here's a video we all should see. United Nations Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, recorded this address for World Autism Day last year. Simply put, open your heart to others.

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