Wow, am I getting an education.  Every trip to the mall brings new info about the world of fashion.  My daughter Jenna's latest find... a "Techno Hoodie" from Old Navy!

So, you ask, what's a Techno Hoodie?  A hoodie that comes with built in headphones!  The headphones are at the end of the hoodie drawstring around your neck with the jack handy in your right pocket.  (Yes it is washable, just have to hang it to dry.)  We bought one while on a hockey outing near Pittsburgh... and everyone's asking Jen where she found it!

John Wall Press Conference

Also popular, are Reebok's new Zig Tech sneakers! The sneakers obviously get their name from the unique design on the sole of the shoe.  "Zigs" come in many different colors...  my son Ryan picked out a black, red and white pair.  The NBA's John Wall unveiled the new shoe last June, and it's become "hot" with the kids.

And guess what... mood rings (remember those?) and bottle cap necklaces are in too!  Who knew?  I love shopping with my kids...  it's an education every time!

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