Vitaminwater Offering $100,000 If You Don’t Use Your Smart Phone For The Entire Year
You can earn yourself $10,000 if you can stay off your smart phone for 6 months.
One year will earn you $100,000.
Think you can do it? THEY WILL give you a phone, so you can make text messages and important phone calls. On their website it say:
The vitaminwater brand stands for breaking the monotony, and intentionally behaving in ways that run against the status quo. Vitaminwater is challenging fans to take on this mission to call attention to the monotony found in their own day-to-day life —from scrolling through their social media to eating the same thing every day — in order to discover a more vibrant way of living outside of the lines".
To enter the contest, you have to Tweet or do Instagram post “explaining how you would use your year if you took a break from your smartphone.” The post must include the hashtags #nophoneforayear and #contest.
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