We've all seen products on television that make us laugh right out loud.  Some are completely ridiculous, others may seem worthwhile.  With a little help from TopTenz.net, I've picked out my top five wackiest "As Seen On TV" products.

Top Five Wackiest "As Seen On TV" Products

5. The Potty Patch. This one's in case you don't feel like getting up to let the dogs out! (Don't you eventually still have to clean up though?)

4. The Better Marriage Blanket. Apparently this one, among other things, absorbs flatulent odors... haha!

3. The Booty Pop.  Really?  I'd rather eat M&M's for my booty  pop!

2. CitiKitty Cat Toilet Training Kit. Ewwww, it doesn't get much worse than this!

1.  The UroClub.   It just got worse!  Absolutely disgusting!

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