Not what you think! Joe & Cheryl got a debate going this week on is it better to be left handed or right handed? Early in school I could write with both, and they taught me to be right handed because that's how most of the world is set up. I wanted to continue to use both because it was cool! Here are some comments posted to our facebook page.

Colleen Kennedy MolineI am predominantly a lefty although I use my right hand for many tasks. One advantage is you are at an advantage to call your seating at the dinner table! (No body wants to sit next to a lefty so you are usually seated on an end! Also you are at ease to reach out the driver side window of you car to get to get parking ramp tix, pay etc!
Michelle Hughes TrautmanI'm left handed! Although, there weren't lefty scissors in kindergarten so my teacher made me cut with my right hand. Now, I still use scissors with my right hand as using scissors with my left hand feels weird to me. I like being left handed. I just wish they made more stuff for lefty's. Things like can openers are annoying!
Eric Meier Totally right handed except with I use a computer mouse than I am ambidextrous.

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