The Dueling Frontmen…
Bret Michaels and Dee Snyder share a birthday today... Wait until you find out how old they are! Don't worry they aren't THAT old...
Bret Michaels of the popular 80's rock band, Poison and Dee Snyder from the heavy hitter rock band, Twisted Sister both share a birthday today. Who would have known that two epic front-men would share a birthday? Can you guess who is older? It doesn't matter because they both have had their fair share of rocking our faces off. Us Buffalonians and really everyone from all around the world have grown up with such hits as "We're Not Gonna Take It" and the epic break up ballad of "Every Rose Has It's Thorn." Bret Michaels turns 55 and Dee Snyder turns 63 today. Feeling old yet? No way! These guys still rock and bring us back to the good ol' days. You know how the saying goes, "If it's too loud you're too old!" Keep on rockin' Buffalo!