When you live in Buffalo, you know that it can snow any day of the year, but there are some days that are prone to have more snowfall than others. 

Surprisingly, the winter of 2021 was actually pretty tame, rather than the Great Buffalo Blizzard November storm of 2014. 

“Snowvember” comes up in conversation at least a handful of times when November rolls around. Even though that was seven years ago, we have not soon forgotten one of the worst lake-effect snow storms in history. 

The 90 closed for four days, and according to the Weather Network, 60 inches of snow had fallen within 24 hours in Lackawanna, NY. 

You can see some of the pictures from “Snowvember” below. 

Ever since that snow storm, I think we have all been a little on edge that there will be significant snowfall every time November rolls around.

Turns out, though, that November is not the snowiest month in Western New York. 

According to WeatherSpark, the snowiest month in Western New York is February, averaging about 5.1 inches of snowfall in Buffalo. 

Buffalo has always been associated with snow, and when I was planning to move to the city, all of the out-of-staters warned me that the snow would be too much. But what a lot of people may not know is – Buffalo is called “The City Of Good Neighbors” for a reason.

When you get stuck in a snowbank, the neighbor down the street that you haven’t seen in months will hustle out to the street to help you break free. If you need someone to push the car, one neighbor will call over the entire block and they’ll push you out. 

Buffalo may get a lot of snow, but luckily for us, it is usually manageable because we have “Good Neighbors” all around Western New York. 

26 Worst Streets To Live On During a Snow Storm

When the snow doesn’t let up, it makes you wonder if a plow has shown up — at least once? They most likely have, but nonetheless, these are the worst 26 streets to live on during a snow storm in Western New York.

Gallery Credit: Kadie Daye, Public Facebook Thread

Western New York Teacher Hall Of Fame

There are so many teachers who have done so much for our community that it goes way beyond the classroom, so the creation of the Western New York Teacher Hall of Fame is long overdue.

Please help us congratulate the following teachers for being officially inducted into the Western New York Teacher Hall Of Fame.

Gallery Credit: Kadie Daye, Public Domain School Logos

6 Very Buffalo Things To Do During Spring Snowstorm

We are not done with the snow just yet, so here is what you can do during our March snowstorm.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields

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