Should We Have A National Trick Or Treat Day?
Should Halloween Trick or Treating for kids be moved to a weekend due to safety concerns?
A Change.org petition is calling for the creation of a “National Trick-or-Treat Day” on the last Saturday of every October.
The petition, which has over 150,000 signatures so far, calls for the creation of an extra day of festivities “so families across the country can participate in community parades, throw neighborhood parties and opt for daytime Trick or Treating”, according to the campaign page.
According to a study by AutoInsurance.org, there’s an 83 percent spike in deadly crashes involving kids on weeknight Halloweens.
The study also found a 55 percent increase in fatal pedestrian crashes on Halloweens that fall on a weekday
Friday Halloweens are the most deadly according to the study- since 1994, there as been a 36 percent increase in fatal traffic accidents on average on Halloweens falling on Fridays.
Should Trick-or-Treating be moved to a Saturday?
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