In the wake of the tragic shooting at a High School in Parkland, Florida there has been a question of whether or not there should be armed Police Officers at school every day.

The New York Sheriffs Association recently went on record stating that they believe there should be armed officers at schools. In a statement released on their website, the Sheriff's Association called for more funding for School Resource Officers, who not only build relationships with students but also are an armed presence at the school.

"The New York State Sheriffs’ Association today called upon the State Legislature to include in the 2018 State Budget sufficient funding to provide at least one armed school resource officer at every grade school and high school in the state."

Niagara County Sheriff Jim Voutour spoke with our media partner WGRZ about what Niagara County does right now.

New York State Assembly Speaker Carl E. Heastie released this statement in response to the Sheriff's Association call for armed officers.


"We all share in the goal of providing our schools with the resources they need to make sure our kids are safe. But more guns is not the answer and never has been. The best efforts of a trained armed guard present at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School did not prevent the terrible tragedy that unfolded last week, which shows that a proposal like this will only provide an illusion of safety. Instead, we should be addressing the root causes of gun violence by reducing the number of guns on our streets, limiting access to these deadly weapons and increasing mental health services to ensure the kind of healthy environment that will allow kids to grow and thrive. We live in a society where minors can't buy alcohol, but in many states are allowed to buy deadly assault weapons with very little effort. How many more mass shootings must citizens endure before we as a country finally have a serious conversation about the scourge of gun violence that plagues our communities? More guns will not make us safer. We need to be talking about real solutions, and we need to pass common-sense gun reforms that the majority of Americans support."

Should Armed Police Officers Be At Every School?

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