NOAA Predicts Warmer Than Usual Winter
If last week's first snowfall or the anniversary of the October Surprise storm have you fearing what winter might bring, take solace in the news that the NOAA is predicting a warmer than usual winter, due to an El Nino weather pattern.
WIVB reports the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), "no part of the United States is expected to have below average temperatures during the winter. Drier than normal conditions are expected across parts of the northern Rockies, Northern Plains, Great Lakes and northern Ohio Valley. Wetter-than-average conditions are favored in the Mid-Atlantic, Southeast and portions of the southern United States."
NOAA gives a 75 percent chance that we will experience an El Nino weather pattern.
"We expect El Nino to be in place in late fall to early winter," said Mike Halpert, deputy director of NOAA's Climate Prediction Center, according to WIVB.
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