New TV Game Show To Pay Off Student Loan Debt It Airs Tonight!
Can you imagine your student loans disappearing? It would be a miracle in and of itself!
A TruTV Game show doesn't offer any prizes to its contestants but it will pay off your student loan debt if you are the winner. The show is called, "Paid Off" and it airs tonight!
The purpose of the show is to raise awareness of this student loan crisis. I know, because I feel it. The average person has $37,000.00 in student loan debt. The total amount owed in the U.S. exceeds $1.3 trillion.
Michael Torpey hosts the show and said,
"I know what we're doing is a little ridiculous, but in a way the show matched my family's story. The only way we could pay off student loans was because I booked an underwear ad? That's insane."
At the end of every episode Michael says,
"Call your representatives right now, and tell them you need a better solution than this game show."
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