Mix 96 Celebrates National Pet Day
While most of us call them pets, they usually turn out to be more like family, and in their honor, we decided to celebrate National Pet Day on Mix 96!
We asked everyone to post pics of their pets on our Facebook and Twitter pages. Get ready to see some CUTENESS!!
Here are some ways to celebrate according to www.petdayusa.com
Ways to Celebrate National Pet Day!
1. Adopt a pet from your local shelter or pure breed rescue organization.
2. Volunteer at your local shelter and offer to care for the animals.
3. Donate blankets, food and toys to a favorite animal welfare organization.
4. Organize a peaceful demonstration in front of your community pet store that sells pets from puppy or kitten mills.
5. Have a National Pet Day party and celebrate all your pets!
6. Spend the day taking photos of your pets and then post them on our Facebook page!
7. Assist an ill, elderly or a financially struggling neighbor or friend by purchasing pet food, hay or needed items for their pets.
8. Purchase a National Pet Day Tee Shirt (or other gift item) here, to express your devotion to all animals.
9. Buy your pet a fun new toy....or two...or five.
10. Hire a professional pet photographer for a fun photo shoot