I always knew laughter was good for something. A laugh or two a day will keep the doctor away. I laugh all the time and I'm glad it's always natural and never forced. I'll never forget walking past a mirror in Target. I saw my reflection and I backed up. I thought what am I grinning about? I laugh and smile so much I think it is a permanent expression on my face.

The experts think having a good laugh is about more than just feeling good. Laughter provides the following great benefits;

  • Mental health benefits. Studies show that people who use humor to fight stress also feel less lonely and more positive about themselves.
  • Physical benefits. Although we can’t yet say that a certain number of laughs every day will keep the doctor away, studies show that people who say they laugh a lot also tend to be in good health and generally feel well.
  • Heart health benefits. Laughter could be healthy for your heart, too. Some research shows that when you laugh, there is an increase in oxygen-rich blood flow in your body, possibly due to the release of endorphins, which create a chemical rush that counters negative feelings and stress.
  • So laugh it up a little more in your day. If you can't think of anything funny, think of someone falling and not hurting themselves. I don't know why we laugh when someone falls and they don't hurt themselves, we just do. It has to be the facial expression.

    Courtesy of Health

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