How To Turn Yourself Into A Morning Person
There are few things that I am willing to give advice about, but I guess it is safe to offer a few suggestions, from the experts on how to turn yourself into a morning person (this has nothing to do with being on the radio).
- Force yourself to get up early, and open the blinds and curtains to let the sun in as soon as possible, that stops your body from producing melatonin.
- No caffeine after 3 pm.
- Keep lights to a minimum at night and get to bed early.
- Stick to a sleep schedule, even on weekends or days off.
- No meals after 7 pm.
The ironic thing for me is that for 20+ years I got up at 3:45 am. Even when I stopped doing the morning show, I would still wake up at 3:45 am and would have to convince myself to go back to sleep. Now that I am doing mornings again, my sleep schedule has become routine and I don't wake up at night anymore.
It's all a matter of discipline.
(NY Post)
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