I'm so guilty of mindless eating. Sometimes there is nothing that can stand between me and a pint of Hagen Dazs Rum Raisin  at 9pm. I'm not hungry, I just want it because it's there. Somehow snacks and tv or talking on the phone go hand and hand.  The reason why we may be guilty of mindless snacking is because of boredom.

Drinking a nice hot cup of tea may be able to keep away the  mindless eating by making you feel more satisfied.  Brushing your teeth can also help you stop eating.  Food does not taste the same after you have just brushed your teeth.  If you are skipping meals during the day, stop it !! You may think you are saving yourself calories, you're just going to make up for it later on in the day. If you allow yourself to get hungry you will begin to hear the peanut butter cup calling your name.

Halloween is coming up and the temptation of candy favorites will be everywhere. Don't buy your Halloween candy until the day of. At the end of the night give what ever you have left to the last kid. It's okay if you run out at the end of the night. I can guarantee that the child at your door will already have plenty. Hopefully you will not call me to help you get the toilet tissue out of your trees and shrubs because you snubbed a couple of sugar hungry goblins.

Via Jillian Michaels

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