Hey *NEW* Dad’s, There’s A Program Just For You!
A new mentorship program is coming to Buffalo for *NEW* Dad's.
Being a new parent can be very scary. I know! I've been there! Antoine Johnson who is the Fatherhood coordinator at The Buffalo Prenatal & Perinatal is putting a program together to pair new Dad's with Dad's who have some experience. The Dad's with experience have to go through a program to become certified. These Dad's with serve as a mentor for new Dad's.
"A lot of times dads don’t feel comfortable with going to receive the help or feel as though they're a second class citizen or a second class parent," he said.
He wanted to put an end to this stigma and launch this program.
"Really, the overall goal is to help provide a support network for dads, but in the context of a mentoring relationship, so dads will have someone else to be able to lean on and gleam some insight from," Johnson said.
This is a fantastic opportunity for a new Dad so they can have someone to talk to when challenges arrive from parenthood.
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