Feeling Sad? Feeling Depressed? This Will Make You Feel Better!
Life isn't always sunshine and rainbows. It can be a tough thing to deal with! Here are some ways to perk yourself up!
I am a very sensitive person in general. I cry at the SPCA commercials, I unfollow people on Facebook who share the abuse stories and anything negative because it does affect me.
Sometimes, you get into a fight with your significant other, or boss, or co worker, or teenager, best friend, family member, etc... and it throws off your entire day. You are in a mood and you can't shake it. It happens! It is ok. It is part of life.
The most important thing to remember is you are in control. Allow yourself to feel the emotion and then try to perk yourself up! Music has been a sure fire way for some people to help boost their mood. Here are some songs guaranteed to boost your mood based on a new study:
1. "Don't Stop Me Now", Queen, 1978
2. "Dancing Queen", ABBA, 1976
3. "Good Vibrations", The Beach Boys, 1966
4. "Uptown Girl", Billy Joel, 1983
5. "Eye of the Tiger", Survivor, 1982
6. "I'm a Believer", The Monkees, 1966
7. "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun", Cyndi Lauper, 1983
8. "Living on a Prayer", Bon Jovi, 1986
9. "I Will Survive", Gloria Gaynor, 1978
10. "Walking on Sunshine", Katrina & the Waves, 1985
So, go out there and crank up the tunes and be the best version of yourself! Stay well, Buffalo!
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