Do You Have Keepsakes From A Former Relationship?
Now think about this but don't respond if your significant other is nearby. Do you have keepsakes from a former relationship? Like a shoebox hidden somewhere with a bunch of reminders of all the people you USED to be with.
According to surveys one in four people do!
But what are the top keepsakes people save? Turns out, a birthday card tops the list with 61 percent acknowledging they save birthday cards that they've received. Forty-four percent make sure to hold onto Valentine's Day cards for sentimental reasons and 24 percent currently have a note from a childhood sweetheart saved in a special place. Interestingly, when it comes to young love, male respondents were twice as likely than women to hold on to love letters from an old flame.
I have a version of my wedding album. Pics of my wedding day. I don't have love letters, although they say men are more likely than women to keep them. I have often dreamed of a past flame or relationship.
Don't feel guilty about your keepsakes, it appears that keeping them is normal.