Some familiar names from your childhood are ready to come back into your life. From video games to soda, here are a few notable brands you can expect to have huge returns this year.
We'll spare you the trouble of dusting off your old VHS and Betamax Tapes and do the hard work for ya.
Let's fire up the way back machine and check out these Retro Buffalo TV commercials.
When I was a kid TV was only in black and white, and my parents severely restricted viewing time...after school or evenings only AFTER homework was done and you had finished dinner (everything on your plate), except Brussel sprouts. I would rather sit in my room without TV than eat Brussel sprouts.
Maybe I just don't get it.
I used to keep everything. Everything.
I would not say that it was to a hoarding level, but it was more I like to say cautionary. You never know when you're going to need that extra piece of wood, or you never know when that old item might become a collectible and worth some money--so, I kept everything...
For our last pair of tickets to give away for Thursday's "I Love The 90s" show at the Seneca Niagara Casino (and meet & greet passes with Vanilla Ice!!), we invited you to bring us your 90's relics to Delaware Park this afternoon, and YOU DID NOT DISAPPOINT...