Ladies–Have You Ever Been This Crazy? Look What This Woman Did To Her Boyfriend
Yikes. Even the craziest lady on earth has not sent that many texts in her life or claimed any of this.
Well...this might actually be the craziest lady on earth. Next time you think "should I send this text or will I sound nuts?" It won't be as nuts as this...
- 500 texts in ONE day she sent
- 65,000 total text in less than 17 months
- showing up to his work claiming to be his wife
- "Don't ever try to leave me. I'll kill you. I don't wanna be a murderer", she even wrote.
- He blocked her from everything.
- When he was out of town, she broke into his home and took a bath.
- He's pressing charges of harassment now
She claimed that he was her healing angel.
The woman's status conference and preliminary hearing are scheduled for next week and it's unclear whether she has hired an attorney.Affiliate KPHO-KTVK asked jail officials whether Ades was receiving treatment at their facility, and they wouldn't comment on that, citing medical privacy laws. CNN has also reached out to Maricopa County to see if the woman needs or has had a medical evaluation -- and is waiting to hear back.When asked by reporters Thursday if sending 65,000 text messages was excessive, she responded: "Love is an excessive thing", according to