5 Reasons Not To Miss The We Are Buffalo Tailgate Party
Football season is underway. All the teams now have their first game in their pocket. Next week, the party comes to Buffalo, and we're ready for it.
Tailgating is what we do in Buffalo
For years now, Buffalo has been putting on a master class on how to tailgate. We show up early and we leave late. We cook, we play games, we listen to music, we drink some drinks, then we go in to cheer on our team like no other fan base does.
What makes for the perfect tailgating spot?
There are a couple of factors that add up to make a tailgating spot the "perfect" tailgating spot. The first is how easy it is to get in and out of. One of the worst things about tailgating at a stadium is when you can't leave when you want to. Now, if you want to stay longer, that's a whole different thing. But when you want to leave, can you?
The next thing is the atmosphere. Is it close to other people who like to party the way you do? Is there enough space for your vehicle? How tight will the parking be? Is there entertainment in the vicinity?
Also, how protected will you be from the elements? Here in Buffalo, the weather can get pretty extreme for games. We are pretty hardcore for sure. But some days you just want to get out of the cold for a minute.
The We Are Buffalo Tailgate Party has all of this and more
This year, we will be hosting the We Are Buffalo Tailgate party every week at the Wings Meeting Place on California Road. It's just steps away from the stadium and it has all the things mentioned above and more. If you're looking for a perfect party, this is it. There's plenty of space, live entertainment from Hair Nation, food and drinks, even a climate-controlled indoor area so you can get out of the elements (if you want to - you don't have to take advantage of it).
Here are 5 reasons why this should be your plan for every home game this year...