How WNY Family’s ‘Back Creek Farm’ Makes Maple Syrup
You may remember the story we shared with you a few weeks ago. Sara Santillo is the Marketing Director, and Co-Owner with her husband John, of Back Creek Maple Farm.
John had been making maple syrup as a hobby, and when making syrup John didn't just make one bottle, he made dozens of bottles, much more than a family of 7 would ever use...so Sara thought why not sell the syrup and donate the proceeds to charity.
Last year we donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Buffalo & this year we chose Buffalo Colon Corps! We only give to local WNY charities ...we want the money people donate to stay local.

When she brought up the idea her husband John, (by the way, they both have other jobs and five children) absolutely loved the plan. The couple found out very quickly that people really embrace their idea and are very generous when they learn about their mission.
John said...
For me, it’s much more about the process and being outside, spending time with our children and for us to be able to teach them about giving and helping others.
It quickly became clear that people would gladly donate twice the going rate or even more in many cases for a bottle of this homemade Maple Syrup to support their charitable cause.
John and Sara commented:
We are able to give thousands of dollars to charity now compared to making a few hundred dollars for ourselves.
Maple Syrup
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