Every day until July 18, 2014, 9:00AM - 12:00PM
$99/week OR $20/day

Additional Information

Get your capes and web shooters out and get ready for a powerful week of super strength and character building. Campers are invited to wear super hero attire as we learn about the history of many famous heroes and villains. We will explore the evolution of Marvel and how classic stories have changed over time. Campers will watch and analyze super hero films, read and discuss comics, and create their own super hero comic strips. We will make capes, learn about a variety of mythical super powers and design our own super hero. Campers will engage in physical and mental training each day to enhance their abilities to protect the world from evil. We will discuss positive character traits and how to use our powers to prevent bullying. Our heroes will participate in role-playing, catch an evil villain and compete in strength and mental exercises to test their new skills. Boy and girl superheroes welcome! July 14 –18. 9:00am-12:00pm. Suggested Ages: 8-14. Instructor: Daniel Schwagler. Minimum: 5 campers. $99/Week Camp. $20/Daily Drop-In. Register now at: http://www.stutelage.com/resources/events/?ee=654