Buffalo Bills Are Wearing This Uniform For The First Time This Season
It's crazy to think that we haven't seen the Bills in anything other than blue so far in the regular season. That will change this weekend, but what combo will they wear?
Who would have thought that people would be so invested in what the Bills wear on the field? The debates go on about what looks good and what doesn't. Some of the combinations people LOVE...others they HATE! Here's what we have available:
Blue Jersey/Blue Pants/Blue Socks (LA and Tennesee)
Blue Jersey/White Pants/Blue Socks (Miami)
Blue Jersey/Blue Pants/White Socks
White Jersey/Blue Pants/Blue Socks
White Jersey/Blue Pants/White Socks
White Jersey/White Pants/White Socks
White Jersey/White Pants/Blue Socks
Red Jersey/Red Pants/Red Socks
Now you might be saying, "Who cares what they wear? Just get out there and win!"
This is exactly what I think about when I hear people debating this, but there is a reason why it's brought up. Some uniforms seem to bring better results. Yes, they have better records depending on what they're wearing.
According to Buffalo Rumblings, there was a correlation between the uniforms that the Bills were wearing when they win or lose over the last couple of years. The worst combination? It's the white jersey with the blue pants. I don't have an updated number here but as of a year ago they only had a 47 percent win percentage (9-10) since 2017 when they wore these uniforms.
If they're going to wear white, they should go with the white pants too. They have much better odds that way. Since 2017 they've gone 13-8 with that combo. That's a 61% win percentage.
Believe it or not...the best win percentage comes with the color rush unis. The red on red on red has seen them get wins 80% of the time (4-1).
The Bills should be wearing white this weekend as they're the away team...but let's hope for white pants too!
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