
Gyms Can Begin To Open on August 24th
In his press conference on Monday morning, Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the protocols for gyms reopening in New York State.

BREAKING: No UB Sports Happening This Fall
Per an apparently unanimous decision on the part of the teams in the conference, the MAC (Mid-American Conference) has decided to forgo the 2020 fall season for all sports--which of course includes the University at Buffalo.

The World’s Largest Yard Sale Canceled For 2020
n light of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects, the World’s Largest Yard Sale unfortunately will not happen in 2020 and will take place on May 7th and May 8th, 2021.

Buffalo Chasing All-Time Heat Record Today
We're in the middle of one of the most intense heat waves in recent memory, and we're about to hit the crescendo.

Support FeedMore WNY with the Taste of Buffalo At Home
Join Taste of Buffalo and Tops Markets to ensure that people in need of nutritious food don’t go without in WNY this summer by purchasing "Virtual Food Tickets."

Win a $25 Tops Gift Card For the Taste of Buffalo At Home
While none of our favorite events can run as normal this summer, the Taste of Buffalo is not one that anybody was willing to miss out on. In that light, we're happy to bring you all of the information about the Taste of Buffalo At Home presented by Tops Friendly Markets!

Taste of Buffalo At Home – List of Participating Wineries
While none of our favorite events can run as normal this summer, the Taste of Buffalo is not one that anybody was willing to miss out on. In that light, we're happy to bring you all of the information about the Taste of Buffalo At Home presented by Tops Friendly Markets!

How to Order Taste of Buffalo At Home Taste Takeout
Browse the Virtual Festival Guide to find all of the delicious Taste Takeout menu items that are being prepared for July 11th and 12th.

Taste of Buffalo At Home Cook-Alongs and How-Tos
In addition to live music and special highlights from participating Taste of Buffalo At Home restaurants, you'll be able to cook along with demonstrations from Buffalo's own Chef Darian Bryan.

Taste of Buffalo At Home – What to Know
While none of our favorite events can run as normal this summer, the Taste of Buffalo is not one that anybody was willing to miss out on. In that light, we're happy to bring you all of the information about the Taste of Buffalo At Home presented by Tops Friendly Markets!

Buffalo Zoo Announces Reopening Date
To the delight of absolutely everybody in Western New York, The Buffalo Zoo formally announced their reopening date on social media and on their website today.

New York Issues Travel Advisory, Quarantine Orders
Governor Cuomo announced a joint travel advisory between New York, New Jersey and Connecticut that will require travelers from any states with high COVID-19 spread rates to be put in quarantine for 14 days.
According to WIVB, the three states are working in coordination to help keep the COVID-19 rates down in each respective state, and the list of which states fall within the guidelines may shift