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Walking The Tornado's Path
Walking The Tornado's Path
Walking The Tornado's Path
Tornadoes are an incredibly destructive force of nature, and they form just as quickly as they dissipate! Forecasters can more accurately predict the area a tornado will form in, but they still have no idea how big it will become or the exact path the tornado will take.
Labor Day 2012 in Buffalo — What is Open and What is Closed?
Labor Day 2012 in Buffalo — What is Open and What is Closed?
Labor Day 2012 in Buffalo — What is Open and What is Closed?
Labor Day this year is on Monday, September 3. That means it’s a long weekend for the workforce. To help make the most of this free day, here is a full list of what’s going on and what’s open and closed in Buffalo on Labor Day. Whether you want to sit around and lounge for the day or go out and do something, make it worthwhile for yourself!